Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 37

  We were talking to this former investigator who's Native American
and when we brought up the Book of Mormon, he started telling us about
all these ancient legends about a "man in white that came from the sky
on Turtle Island." What?! We were blown away. The church is so true.
I'm so grateful for this gospel.
  We did a ton of service this week, we got a couple new
investigators from it, but we barely got to see any people because we
were so busy painting people's houses and moving. I'm exhausted.
   We work at a food kitchen type place every Saturday morning. It's
run by another church but they love us to death and always need a ton
of help. The lady in charge kept telling everyone about a community
dinner that they were having on Sunday, so I volunteered some of us to
go help with that. It turned out to be a luncheon after their church
services.... So it was the Mormons serving the Nazarenes at their
church luncheon. It was awkward, but it was really fun and they're
such great people. It was super fun.
    The Ft. Lauderdale Florida temple was dedicated yesterday and
even though we're not in the temple district and like six hours away,
they broadcasted it to our stake center. That was so neat to be a
apart of that. President Uchtdorf talked about the rich heritage of
early missionary work in Florida. Oh it was so amazing to hear him
talk about the early Floridian missionaries and how it's our
responsibility to continue that legacy. Ya got that right. I love
continuing that legacy that my two grandpas left for me here. I love
it! 143rd temple. Been to the first modern day temple and dedicated
the newest! Love it!
Love y'all!
Sister Carr

Our favorite McDonalds worker got us free ice cream!

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