Monday, April 28, 2014

Week 36

   We've been doing so much service this week. We topped last week
with 20 hours. I didn't have to be on the bike and I didn't have to be
in a skirt, so I love service!
   On Saturday, Sisters Orton, Mccann, Carlson, and I were helping
move boxes at a member's. She has 10 dogs. She kept them in the house
the whole time that we were there but of course this would happen, on
the last load, all the dogs suddenly appear. So we're walking to her
garage to take the boxes and they start swarming me and jumping up and
barking their heads off. My worst nightmare come to life. So Sister
McCann runs ahead to take the last box in while I have the dogs
distracted and one of them jumps up and full on bites my leg. She
finally came back and suddenly all the dogs scatter like she has some
magic anti dog power but then they come back and get me. I literally
can't move cause I'm half paralyzed so she had to pull me away and
pushed me through the gate and she got bit in the process of saving my
life. And Southerns literally worship their dogs so we can't complain
about her deadly "babies" so we sat there bleeding and in pain. I hate
dogs. That was my second time getting bit out here. I hate dogs. But
we have pretty gnarly battle wounds, so it works.
   We started doing a movie night here too. Our first one was last
night and it was a huge success! We had a ton of less active members
and investigators there! It was so amazing!
   We had the most amazing lesson ever in gospel principles yesterday
and all the investigators were answering questions and reading and
asking deeper questions. I was fasting that one of our investigators
would get to church - she didn't. But we had a surprise investigator
come. We've been stuck with her and don't know how else to help her,
but I'm Sunday school she was asking all these amazing questions and
everything was blowing her mind. Oh my gosh it was so good! Definitely
a great blessing! Heavenly Father answers prayers in the best ways
   The Fort Lauderdale temple is being dedicated this Sunday, so
we're so stoked for that!
   We discovered an anti guy on Facebook that was friends with only
missionaries and members and such. I was friends with him too and I
was super confused how I never discovered it before. So I messaged all
the missionaries he was friends with to let them know to unfriend
them. None of them had noticed his posts either. It was such a miracle
because he was specifically targeting missionaries since he was only
friends with us and not one of us had seen them. Someone's looking out
for us.
Love y'all!
Sister Carr

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