Everyone says that the mission is the "best two years." I was on a
trade off with my sister training leader a few weeks ago and we were
chatting away and we decided that it really isn't. It's the worst two
years cause it's not all fun and joyful as RMs make it sound. It
stretches ya and puts you in awkward situations and you're
uncomfortable the whole time. You learn so much about yourself that
you quite frankly didn't want to know. You find out that you really
aren't as great as you thought you were, that your testimony is the
only thing that's going to pull you through It all so if it's not
strong enough you're gonna have to fix that fast, and you learn a lot
of other stuff that you always judged other people for and then you
find out, hey you're in the same boat, buddy.
My trainer told me that you'd pay a million dollars for your
mission, but wouldn't pay a dime to do again. I can't even tell you
how true that is. I'm tired and I'm stressed, but I've experienced so
many things that I'm so dang grateful for. I think it's the perfect
combo cause if you're just sitting there enjoying life, you never
would notice the blessings. And I think that the blessings are just
little rewards for the pain. So they balance each other out, which
makes me hate it and also love it.
I have a firm testimony that we are put in certain situations for
a reason. Heavenly Father has our best interest in mind and He won't
make us go through something if it wasn't He didn't have a purpose in
mind. My favorite line from Called To Serve is "called to know the
richness of his blessings." I believe that the seven months I've been
out here have changed my perspective so much and I'll never look at
the blessings I have the same. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father has
called me out here to the East Coast to know how great God is to us
and how rich His promises and blessings truly are. So here are some of
my rich blessings that I've been able to see this week:
-I got a new Facebook investigator who is oh so golden and is the
sweetest thing ever.
-Sister Brown drove us to our lesson on Thursday, and we didn't have
to bike the 5 miles there. Hallelujah.
-I had my first full nights sleep in weeks.
-My comp has been sick this week and is always sleeping so I got so
much extra work out time.
-Sister Orton got a blessing from the elders. It blows me away that
Heavenly Father lets us have His priesthood power on this earth. I
love it!
-A less active sister was worried about her son who is stationed at
Camp Pendelton. "Hey, I can maybe help you out with that. I got
connections." Helping across the country.
-Walmart had real tree jackets for super cheap. Didn't get one, but it
still made me happy.
-Sister Orton hasn't been able to think straight since she's been
sick, so somehow with a lot of Divine assistance, I managed to teach
all our lessons this week on my own.
-We ran into my favorite Sister Call, that was in my last district, at
target and she's in my new zone!
-Had an old lady say I was the sweetest thing ever.
-We get the car next week
-My hair looked awesome on Sunday
-Found out a less active young women we had been working with in
Keystone has come to church every Sunday since I left.
-Got our numbers a little more up this week
-Found the key to the bike lock right before we were about to go to
the store to buy a new one
-The elders had a baptism on Sunday
-Got an email from my very best friend that helped me out so much and
-I'm eating Five Guys right now. Can't complain! ;)
<3 Sista C
Me with my companion Sister Orton
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