Monday, March 24, 2014

Week 30

   This week has been another yelled at, no one comes to church,
everyone hides from us, Bishop still hates us, fallin off the bike,
proposed to by creepy guys on Facebook type of a week.
    Had the worst day ever last night. We go to the other sisters'
apartment and use their wifi for Facebook every night. I locked myself
in the bathroom as soon as we got there and just let it all out and
got on my knees for a good 20 minutes. Everything from the week just
piled up til I finally hit my breaking point.
    (We have this new rule that we can read our emails whenever they
show up, we just have to wait to write on pday cause it's a lot less
distracting to just read instead of staring at the blinking icon on
the iPad. Cause to missionaries email day is literally more exciting
than Christmas. I literally can't sleep Sunday nights waiting to read
my emails in the morning. We get excited for mail, we die for
packages, we lose sleep over emails. We live a sad life.)
   So anyway, I was like Heavenly Father, I'm miserable, please just
let me get one email early tonight. Just one exciting thing. So I
connected to the wifi and three showed up. And my wonderful Madison
sent me quite exactly what I needed to hear and I cried. That was a
small but greatly needed tender mercy from The Lord. Miracles.
    My lovely Hailey got baptized in Keystone yesterday! I'm so proud
of her! I've been able to stay in contact with her on Facebook,
hallelujah. We were chatting the other night and she's been going to
seminary every day and has been to church every week and she's
obsessed with everything. She was like "seminary has just helped build
my faith so much and God has just blessed me so much. Thank you so
much for everything you've taught me. Ciera and I already signed up
for girls camp. I wanted to let them know early so they'll have an
idea of how many will be there." Where did you come from child? Shes
my miracle that finished all of Faith for personal progress in one day
and was halfway done with her project the next. She's amazing. I love
her. And her sister, Ciera, my golden little child is getting baptized
on the 4th. I just love them so much. My miracle children that I was
forced to leave.
That is all
Sister Carr

Hailey's baptism with Sister Hillman and Sister Cook!

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