Week 46
June 30, 2014
And then there were two.
We have transfer calls on Monday and president announces where
everyone's going and such. So we're all having zone pday at the stake
center and sister McCann and I get a call from President that they're
both being transferred.... Soooo they had to leave last minute. It was
hard, we all cried. A lot. It's so boring without them, it's not fun.
So this week have had to take over all their investigators and we
seriously haven't had any time to try to contact people or tract at
ally we've been running from appointment to appointment.
We have the car full time now, which is nice, but our miles are
getting cut by a lot so we'll still be biking a lot. We have two
phones now as well. And two apartments. But we use their old one as
our weekend apartment because it's right by the church building.
Living the fancy life, I know.
We have so many good things lined up and so many people to teach and
so many miracles that are waiting to happen!
We had the most amazing lesson with Sara, my miracle golden
child/distant cousin. So rewind a bit, a few weeks ago we stopped by
on a Saturday night to make sure she was going to be able to go to
church in the morning. She was driving out when we pulled up and she
had some friends in the car but she jumped out and hugged us and we
chatted for a sec. Her best friend in the entire world was in the car
and started freaking out after she saw us.... She's long time less
active member. So we show up to her house this week for a lesson and
her best friend's like "hi! I'm a member too!" It was such a miracle
and it's kinda helped Sara a lot now to have someone who knows what
church is like and has a strong desire to go. They both have a ton of
questions and We were able to reteach them the plan of salvation and
take them on a church tour.
They had so many questions about the Plan of Salvation and I'm so
grateful for the knowledge that we do have. Most of their questions
were about family life after we pass away and as we were talking about
it, it hit me so hard how grateful I am for my family and that I get
to be with them forever. I cried. And then Chrissy cried, and then
Sara cried. We all cried. The spirit was so thick, I love how this
I know without a doubt that this church is true, I'm grateful for the spirit!
Sister Carr

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