Monday, July 7, 2014

Week 47

From: Chelsea Carr 
Subject: 'MERICA!
Date: July 7, 2014 at 1:54:51 PM PDT

    Happy Fourth of July from the South! Where the spirit of 'Murica
runs deep and everyone has at least five grandfathers that fought in
the Revolutionary or Civil Wars! Nope, not at all like that. Most
people we saw were like, "Oh yeah, it's Independence Day..." A picture
of the only fireworks I saw is posted below. Behold the glory.
    On Saturday we were street contacting in an area that we don't
normally stay in when a car sped by us and pulled over to talk to us.
The lady was in a panic and was freaking out making sure we "were
okay." And we were like yeah... Why? She had seen us talking to a guy
and she thought he was robbing us.... Nope, just sharing the gospel of
Jesus Christ. You know you're in Jacksonville when people think you're
being robbed when you say hi to someone. Two more people warned us
about the area within the hour. And then my bike and I  almost got hit
by a car a block away. Yay!
    We got a call from President this week that he was emergency
transferring more sisters into our ward, so we have two more sisters!
I was kinda enjoying having the car full time, but it's good.
    Yesterday, we tried to visit a potential that we've tried forever
but she's never home, so we were doing a one last time check. Her
husband answered the door and seemed so stoked to see us and said he
had put in a request for a Book of Mormon after his wife had first met
us. Don't know who we never got that, but it was such a miracle that
we had even caught him at home and before we dropped her! He's so
excited to learn about the Book of Mormon and said he's determined to
read it "cover to cover." We read Moroni 10 with him and he was so on
board. Oh God is good!
Happy July!
Love y'all!
Sister Carr

Yay for America!

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