Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 4

Great week! Crazy stuff! I'm so excited that Connor's home! That went by so fast! Those pics you sent me made me cry. I know, loser crying in the library. That's me. So I didn't get to respond to Dad's email but he was like "I'm so glad you're some place safe." Right.... Not to freak you out or anything, but I'm not. It's pretty sketch around here. Our elders got held at gun point, fun stuff. The Beckham's grandson gave us knives, so I'm so hardcore carrying that thing everywhere. I'm armed and the Lord's watching out for us, so we'll be fine.
The bugs have been getting worse. In the 60s some genius person from the University of Florida decided to create a bug that would breed with mosquitos and eventually get rid of the entire mosquito population. Yeah no, they didn't want to go near the mosquitos and so we have millions of these nasty lovebugs everywhere that get on the car and jsut swarm in clouds everywhere. There's so many of them that it sounds like rain on the windsheild when we're driving. It's fun.
We did some service for the Beckham's daughter and just raked the front yard of her house in the woods. I had only seen one cockroach in my entire life before that day. But now I've seen one million and one too many. Holy cow, there were some that were literally the size of my hand, and they would crawl up my leg..... oh my goodness gracious. I've been scarred. I've learned that California doesn't have bugs and Florida's are legit dinosaur zombies that have come back to eat the entire state of Florida. It's disgusting.
President's been making a lot of changes. We're now going to be staying inour areas for a minimum of 6-9 months so the ward can actually get a chance to know the missionaries. We're getting ipads soon. I don't know when, but we've been told soon. And we've had Facebook for a while now. I'll get one in a transfer or two. It's so cool. One of the Elders in our ward called us and was like "hey, can I get your guys' address? One of Sister Carr's friends, Elder Engelman asked me on FB if I could get that for him" So Joe's mission has facebooks too and he was able to contact Elder Moose to get my address. How insane? Look at us, 21st century missionaries. I love it! I can't wait to get one! I can add immediate family, but I can't message you and I have to block you from my home page or whatever. So I can't ever communicate with you through it, but it'd still be fun.
The work has been moving along so fast! Our mission's always like "JAX is white and ready to harvest" So true. Last week President Craig made it a mission wide goal for each companionship to find 5 new investigators. We got 10, look at us! Us newbies have a conference call every week and there were four of us that had people just walk up to us and ask to be taught the gospel. One lady walked up to us last week and she's been trying to turn her life around and we left her with a prayer and our number, and she's jsut trying to get settled so she didn't have a phone or address yet, so hopefully she'll contact us soon. I was so stoked, she just lit up and was so full of the Spirit. The sisters who were here before us befriended this lady who works at an ice cream parlor by our "home"/trailer and so we've been stopping in and it's been awkward cause she's at work and we can't be teaching all awkwardly while she's working. So we've been struggling to try to teach her. But we were talking to this family the other day and the dad's best friend just kinda walked in and we started talking to him and it turned out that he's the fiance of the lady that works at the ice cream place. WHAT?? Sister Conley and I kept looking at each other and were just shocked, what are the chances of that? The Lord works in mysterious, yet miraculous ways. President Craig was so stoked when I told him about that. We've been able to meet with him a couple of times and it's been going great!
  I love you all so much! I've only gotten one letter from kenna and like none from Ethan. So send me some - that's the best getting them in the mail! Love you lots!! Thanks for everything!
Love, Sister Carr

1 comment:

  1. hahaha I love what you said about all the bugs in FL. It could not be more true! That's the one nice thing about bugs. I love reading about your mission in FL Chelsea! It sounds like you are having an amazing time and it makes me miss home that much more. The South is so great.
