Dry Rain
June 2, 2014
Ever seen it raining and the ground's completely dry? Welcome to
Florida. It's been raining a ton, but it's so dang hot that as soon as
it hits the ground, it evaporates. Lots of mist everywhere. It's
crazy. Our A/C broke in the middle of the week, we had to put bowls of
ice in front of our fans to keep it cool, it was awful. But our
superman/recent convert/maintenance guy fixed it for us! Hallelujah!
The senior couple in our district were scheduled to leave next
week, but they're staying until October! They're from Pamona and he
calls me "Huntington Beach," he's just absolutely hilarious. We love
the Vans! That was such a miracle!
We've been working with a few part member families who are all
just so adorable. On Saturday, I felt prompted to text one of them and
Facebook message another one of them to come to church, but then I was
like, "nah, they gave us excuses last when we saw them," but then I
did and they both came to church! Oh hallelujah I was in tears! It was
the best!
We were in a lesson with one of the this week. They're going
through some struggles right now and we're trying to help them get on
the right path. We were talking about that with them and their oldest
little boy who's 9, just looked right at me and was like, "Do mommy
and daddy have to do good to be closer to God?" Oh my gosh it was the
sweetest, most sincere thing I've ever heard come out of a little kid.
He was so worried about his mommy and daddy not being close to God, it
just broke my heart. I love being on a mission and helping these
people come closer to God, so that they won't have to see that
heartache in their 9 year olds face, but they know that they're on the
right path. So worth it.
We ran into an anti less active. She was telling us all this
stuff and it blew my mind how quick the Spirit was to bolt out of
there. I'm so grateful for a testimony. I'm so grateful that I was
walking out of there saying, "Oh my gosh, what was she on? She's
psycho," when others are so easily affected by that. I'm grateful for
that armor a testimony brings. I'm grateful for our Savior and His
miraculous Atonement. I know He lives, I know that He heads this
Church. The Church is true, the Book is blue, and Jesus loves you!
Love y'all!
Sister Carr
Whataburger trip, me and the boar (had a major heart attack when I
turned a corner too tight and that thing toppled on top of me),
downtown JAX