Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Week 26

  Well, we got transfer calls last night... I'm headed out. I'll be
transferred to Normandy in the heart of Jacksonville. So I'll meet my
new comp tomorrow and in the meantime I'll be trying to fit all of my
clothes in my two little suitcases. Not an easy task? I'm really
scared to move and I've fallen in love with the Starke ward and all
the people here. So my heart's hurting a tad bit and I don't want to
leave. I've been deathly sick this past week too. We've been so dang
busy and we can't just take a day off and sleep, so I've been getting
worse and haven't been feeling too hot.
   Ciera, the Beckhams 14 year old neighbor, is still set with her
baptism date. We've been working a lot on her personal progress and
she's already done with Faith. She's already had such amazing
spiritual experiences with prayer, the Spirit speaks so strongly to
her. It scares her to death hahaha, she doesn't get whispers from the
Spirit, she gets screams. But she's feeling how true this all is and
it's the most amazing thing in the world to see.
    Her 15 year old step sister, Hailey, asked us if she could do
personal progress too. So we've been working with her too. They both
have been faithfully coming to church, hallelujah, and we invited
Hailey to baptism on Sunday. Her response - "Yeah, actually I was
thinking a lot about that during church today and how I really think I
need to be baptized." We died. She wants to complete personal progress
before she gets baptized so she'll understand everything better. She
started on Friday and is already done with both Faith and Divine
Nature, she's just working on her projects now, so Keystone's going to
get two baptisms in the VERY near future. They love us to death, and
hopefully I'll be able to come back for their baptisms!
    I love this area and I hate packing and I'm just so very shocked
and bummed that I'm leaving, but twill be an adventure, that's for
sure. PMG says to leave the ward stronger than it was when you first
got there. I don't feel ready to go yet, but I feel like I've
accomplished that. We've strengthen our relationship with the bishop
and ward council, have a pretty large teaching pool, three baptisms
lined up, left a bomb trainee, and have started the ward in their own
missionary efforts, so I feel peace with what state I'm leaving
keystone in. That's all I can ask for.
     Love y'all! Sister C

So very sick and exhausted, but I love car selfies.

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