Monday, August 11, 2014

Week 52

From: Chelsea Carr <>
Subject: Apostolic miracles!
Date: August 11, 2014 at 2:13:28 PM PDT

   Oh the trio! It's like a party 24/7. But a super exhausting, bike
riding, sweaty, teaching people the gospel sort of party. People are
getting really confused with the two Calls and Carr thing, it's always
funny to watch people's reactions. We're famous in the mission. People
all the time will say "Oh yeah, someone was talking about the three
C's." We've even had random senior couples ask if they could take our
picture. Its funny, we know.
    Elder D. Todd Christofferson miraculously showed up this weekend
and wasn't going to be able to meet with any of the missionaries, but
so many miracles later - he was able to meet with the missionaries in
Jacksonville! Hallelujah! Not only did he come, but he was able to
meet with us, and I was one of the few that got to hear him speak. So
it was all very last minute, but with everything going on, it was
obvious that The Lord wanted this meeting to happen. Towards the end
of the meeting, he started to say "I pray that..." But you could see
something click in his head and he changed the subject and started to
talk about what The Lord wanted him to tell us and how he knows why he
was there today. He started pouring blessings upon blessings and
promises upon promises to us. The Spirit was so strong and not a
single eye was dry. What a blessing to be able to experience that with
an apostle of Jesus Christ. So many prayers answered, so much
revelation received. It was one of the most spiritual experiences I've
had while out here.
    I'm so grateful for Christ's church that has been restored. I
have no doubt after everything that I've been through and experienced
that this is His true church. Elder Christofferson just glowed with
the Spirit. What a blessing to have living prophets and apostles! I
love this gospel!

Love y'all!
Sister Carr

Sisters Call, Call, and Carr. We didn't get a picture with Elder
Christofferson, but this is him and Elder Kacher of the 70 with some
of the elders in Kingland.

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